Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hue & Saturation

For hue and saturation I chose an image that had the potential to show a lot of colour. I decided on this photo because I thought that graffiti would come out quite bold after i had played around with it.

When i had the image in photoshop i made another bachground layer so that i could alter specific parts of the picture.
I did a magnetic lasso around one of the parts of graffiti, I then opened up the "hue & saturation tool".
I adjusted the hue to "+15" and the saturation to "+45", I decided to leave the lightness alone for this image.

This is the final image, i also am showing an image of what the picture would have looked like if you do too much hue or saturation or both.
As you can see the image has become compleatly drenched in colour and looks dramaticly different.

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